A collection of startling poems that grab you by the collar and won't let you go. The metaphors and themes in these poems are "Clear, clean, and quick [like] a heartbeat warm in the bitter afternoon," wrote Ray Bradbury.
Ode on a Martian Urn, trade paperback
- ISBN: 978-0-9830945-0-0
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Jason J. Marchi's collection of award-recognized poetry. Illustrated by Noel Belton.
Some of the poems in this attractive volume were first published in Amazing Stories, Weird Tales, Pandora, Byline, and Verbicide.
On 7 February 2012 ODE ON A MARTIAN URN earned 12.5 points out of a possible 15 points in the 19th Annual Writer's Digest Book Awards. While not a "winner," ODE placed in the upper 20 percentile of all competing poetry books and earned a solid "B" rating. The book was evaluated for (1) Structure and organization, (2) Grammar, and (3) Production quality and cover design.
"This is quite a mix of styles and statements. The poems, many of them, had a whimsical sense of humor. Other poems explore space and planets, the future and robots -- all effectively. I like also the more macabre "The Dance of the Corpses." This poem had an intriguing extended metaphor...and suggests a touch of humor. Then the author gives a short, terse vignette in 'She Recalls,' an altogether different tone and topic. The mix is effective."
"A masterfully crafted collection of discovery. Jason Marchi's 'Ode on A Martian Urn' is a powerhouse of science and rhythmical splendor." - Jeffrey L. Buford, Jr, journalist and book critic, St. Louis Post Dispatch & The Alton Telegraph.
"Those benighted souls who claim that science and the arts are two separate things should read Jason Marchi's remarkable work. Marchi proves that the wonders of science are a fitting subject for beauty of poetry." - Ben Bova, award-winning science fiction editor and author.